September 8, 2008

the VMA's

yesterday was amzing!
heres the story

yesterday i woke up all hungover over from the night before
haha i got wasted at a pool party
so i clean my room
then i was texting iris
she said she was on her way
2 hours later she said she was lost
so me and my brother had to save her
she came to my house got all ready

we got all ready and stuff
we were looking bombin
then my brother took us taco bell

then astroburger to we could eat there
then i bought vodka and iris drank the wine i had at my house
we walked for miles and miles
and finaly got there
got our wristbands and while we were waiting in line
we meet up with iris's friends
there were fun and funny
ps. shes has a cute frann hahaha!
so we saw spencer and heidi from the hillz duh!
then we saw the jonas brothers!
i was so speechless
were were so FUCKEN close to them!
it was unbelievable

i had such a good night
at the end we got to see boring kayne west
and the the ting tings
but i didnt enjoy them cause i was so tired
the we took the bus home
my mom feed iris :D
then she went home

the end.....

ps.i would of have gave your more details but i got lazy