August 7, 2008

echo park.

today i went for a walk in echo park with my little cousin
then i deicided to go to Vons cause we were all out of vegeterian food.
i had fun! even tho she talked alot

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i meet a cool guy at vons
here remindered me of this guy me and lizzie use to know at rite aid named memo
damn he was hot lmao!
i remeber when he bought us a botttle of vodka and me and lizzie went to hollywood all fucken drunk and shit!
hahaha we drank the whole bottle
man, good times good times!

oh yea about yesyerday
i couldnt get in reach of lizzie so i just invited my brothers friend to go with me to F'N Mtv
itts was tiiight!
SANTOGOLD perfromed

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i got to meet pete wentz
all i was thinking about was
"wow, i have ur nude pix on my fone"
bhahahah! jussst kidin

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but he was hotter in person.
i had load of fun!


ps. im keeping my fingers crossed, hopefully i get the FFTL tickets
ill know at 1PM.then ill call lizzie to rush over here lol
im doing this fer her
im not a big fan of FFTL

gezzz im such a good friend